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Somewhere in the story......

The blood trailed down her fingers in jagged lines that spoke volumes, she slowly withdrew her touch from the corpse and cringed at it's grotesque sight. The head was almost completely severed from the body and it hung at a twisted angle, there were holes in the ribs, chest and throats where stab wounds oozed copious amounts of blood and drowned the body in a pool of scarlet river.

Timmy was dead, that much was obvious. Before she had felt for the pulse, the glassy look in his eyes already told her he had been dead for atleast 3 hours.

He couldn't be saved now but she would be damned if she didn't stop the killer from coming for his next victim. Her.

He had called her, his thick, rich voice telling her her death would be his prized achievement. He would take his time in hurting her, slowly eating at her flesh and body parts bit by bit, watch her blood flow and stare into her terrified eyes, basking in her fear.

She would scream for help, for mercy, countless times, before he made sure her voice trailed off into eternal silence.

Scared, She would rush to facebook and post about it, using the second person pronouns "Her" and "she". Knowing people would react to the post and applaud her writing skills. And then, they would move on, filled with awe for her.

But they would never know that what she had written was far from fictional.


Somewhere farther down the story..

Kate stared at Amerie, at her naked, soft, succulent body plastered against the wall - sweating, glistening, her eyes filled with terror and haunting fear, a fear borne off the conviction that her life stood on the point of a needle, that she was hovering on the thin space between life and death, that she would be humiliated, abused, used and finally killed.

Kate stared at her, not with pity, but with a remorse that was just as haunting as her fear

"you are a me" Amerie croaked, her voice hoarse from days of screaming, crying and begging. "how can you stand and watch these bastard tear my life apart?" and she began crying again, sobbing silently, all the while staring back at Kate, her eyes earnestly searching Kate's face.

Kate was sure her expression was numb, it had to be, no one must know the thoughts spiraling out of control in my head or the plans she had begun conceiving 8 months ago, plans which were now almost close to execution, most importantly, Amerie must not know she had to DIE before she could live.

"TALK TO ME!" Amerie yelled, when she became convinced Kate wasnt going to say anything "TALK TO ME, YOU SLIPPERY, CONNIVING, HEARTLESS BITCH!"

For the first time that evening, Kate smiled, a dark, toothless smile that made Amerie squint in trepidation - then Kate motioned at the food which lay untouched for almost 3 hours by Amerie's side.

"if i were you, i would eat my food" She said calmly, the walls reverbrating the hollowness in her words "because you are going to need all the strength you can get to plead with him omorrow when he finally kills you."

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