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The train thundered along the tracks in the stillness of the night, puncturing the silence of the darkness with its noise as it travelled through the magnificent hills dotting the outskirts of Romania. Most of the passengers were asleep. Dr Kress looked forlornly out his cabin window feeling very apprehensive about his reason for this impromptu visit or Romania.

On his lap lay the daily newspaper. The story turned on the manhunt for a beast that had been devouring countless human and animal lives in the most horrifying and grotesque manner imaginable. Heads and insides ripped out and intestines torn out of bellies with skulls sometimes bashed in. Few sightings described the beast as having a humanoid form with a wolf like face and huge fangs and claws. Victims who survived an encounter claimed this creature was very huge and had the strength of many men. None of this made any sense to Kress. The commissioner had summoned him to inspect the sites of the attacks and also perform some autopsies in hopes of getting a lead on the creature and figuring out a way to stop him.

One thing was clear though.

The creature only came out at night. Under the full moon. All the attacks were done under the full moon and no one ever made a sighting during the day.
Kress didn’t believe in demons but this was unusual. He had long assumed it was some kind of wild rare animal that lived in the caves surrounding the town and due to the scarcity of hunts, wandered down to the village to feed.

A lone passenger sat on the other side of the train in Dr Kress’s cabin. He was an odd looking specimen. Long black overcoat, wide black hat,buttoned black waistcoat over a black shirt, black pants, black shoes, black gloves and black glasses. He was totally obscured in his black attire that it was difficult to catch a glimpse of his face. Just like Dr Kress, he sat very motionless and was also reading the paper.

Dr Kress was about to look away when he noticed the story the man was reading.

“Hey there fella!” He called “Travelling on account of the monster terrorizing Romania?”

The man looked up. The grey hues of the night and the moving train illuminated his face a little bit and Dr Kress’s breath caught in his chest.

“Oh yes.” The man said and smiled “curious story, don’t you think?”

Dr Kress was puzzled at the lack of colour in this man’s face.
“Well yes. I really think so” he replied “I have been summoned by the commissioner to investigate the creature. My name is Dr Charleston Kress. I am a Biologist by profession but the human anatomy has been my field for almost 10 years now.”
The man in black nodded. Still grinning.

“So what takes you to Romania?” Dr Kress continued.

“Well…” the man folded his paper and crossed his legs “interestingly, I am on my way there for the same reason as you. To find out more about this creature. My name is Count Rhodes and I am a business man. I intend to use the information I gather to my advantage”
“How so?”
“Well, I think I can offer the town a means of protecting themselves because the way I see it, they really need some protection”
“Oh. You sell arms?” No wonder he looked rich “but that may not be necessary. I hear firearms do not work against the creature”

The man grinned even wider.

“They don’t?” He cooed “Well, who would have thought?”

Dr Kress looked at the man strangely.
“I get the feeling you aren’t trying to sell arms” He quipped.
“No. Dr Kress. I am selling something much more powerful and formidable”
“And what is that if I may ask?”

There was a short pause, loaded with anticipation and the noise of the train engine hammering into the night and then Rhodes continued.
“That creature isn’t of mortal origin. I know because I have seen one myself and trust me, I have seen a lot of things in my life time. Ofcourse mortal weapons won’t work against it and the longer it stays, the faster it spreads”
“Spreads? Is it some kind of a disease?”
“Not a disease but a curse. That beast is actually a man cursed by the devil and when he attacks someone but manages to live without killing that person, the person soon begins to be one with the beast and transformation is complete in a week”

Dr Kress chuckled. Ok. He was sharing a carriage with a mad man.

“How do you know these?”
“You said yourself that firearms do not work against it. You also see how it kills. No natural creature kills in such a manner”
“So what do you intend to sell to the town that can help them against this curse if it is indeed true”

Rhodes didn’t answer immediately. Instead he got up and walked over to Dr Kress. Kress was surprised at his imposing frame and how his long black overcoat flowed and stood majestically on his figure.
When he sat across from Dr Kress and spoke, it was barely a whisper.
“You sell them another curse. A far stronger curse that will ensure their safety and the beast’s annihilation”

The Train’s horn howled loud into the night, puncturing the silence and interrupting the two men. Light flashed from outside and briefly illuminated the cabin and for a split second, Dr Kress was staring into a bizzare face.
“Who are you?” He asked. Suddenly losing his voice.
Rhodes sat back and cackled.
“I told you I am a business man, De Kress”
“What kind of business?”
“The kind that doesn’t concern you but if you must know, I am into hospitality and management.” He stood up and bowed in salute to the doctor.
“I am feeling hungry. It’s time for me to eat. I haven’t had a good meal all day. Watch my seat for me, will you? I will be right back”
And with that, he walked off.

Dr Kress waited for a few minutes until the Count’s footsteps faded into the distance before he carefully stood up and walked over to the man’s side of the cabin and against his better judgement, began searching the man’s small luggage for any clue to who he is.

All he found were a dairy, a jar of earth, a staff with a weird head sculpted on it and a necklace. He paused at the diary for a second, wondering if he should invade the stranger’s privacy but after a brief thought, decided against it.
After probing further in the case for a short while, he found an identity card.
Staring at it, he realized the name was correct but the date of birth couldn’t possibly be right.

Because according to this ID card, Count Rhodes was born in 1681.

200 years ago!

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