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Adrian watched Samantha from across the room calmly, his hair sodden and plastered to his forehead from the rain drizzling outside, he had followed her and her fiancé down two blocks from wedlock avenue, all the time hiding in the shadows, down to this dank, musky restaurant in the less dense part of the city and had hurriedly taken a seat by the window for 3 reasons – one, to be able to watch the steady, sad downpour in the streets outside, two, to be able to leave immediately she noticed his presence and three, to be able to watch her sit. He always loved watching her do the simplest of things, eating, talking, walking, laughing and even sleeping…it aroused him in ways he couldn’t begin to comprehend, ways he couldn’t begin to fathom, ways that were actually beginning to scare him.

It was funny she was getting married this weekend when only 2 days ago she had been in his arms, sweating and panting from the passionate lovemaking they had just been through, he smiled as he remembered the way she felt helpless plastered against him, almost vulnerable, he shivered at the thought of how her lips felt against his, how her tongue mingled with his in a fiery dance of passion. She had walked into his home that night putting on only a jacket over the turquoise blue lingerie he had bought her on her birthday, the one he said felt silken and smooth to the touch, her eyes had been burning petals of desire and he hadn’t had time to ask her to sit down, she had simply jumped on him.

Samantha’s passion was wild, consuming and fierce, Adrian sometimes wondered if only he had this power, this influence over her, to be able to turn her on like a tap and watch her overflow till she threatened to drown him in her sweetness. It didn’t matter that night, it didn’t matter every night, they kissed passionately for what seemed like hours as they feverishly tore each other’s clothes off, already moaning into each other’s mouth, Adrian ran soft kisses down her neck to her belly button loving the way she whimpered in bridled passion, her back arched and her fingers digging into the back of his skin. The room felt endless like a black hole of nothingness merged with the infinite singularity of the known universe, both lovers could feel nothing, hear nothing but themselves, the glorious sounds coming from their mouths and intertwined bodies, the feel of the sweat trickling down in a race to escape the heated glow of their saturated bodies, the erotic crisp sounds of their fists clenching the bed spread in agonizing fantasy, the desire to please endlessly and to be pleased infinitely.

Adrian continued smiling as he watched her conversing in low tones with the unknown man, the rain continued beating outside, it’s sounds like amateurish drumbeats on uneven boards, the calmness of the café and the cold outside let Adrian drift back into his passionate reverie, confident she hadn’t seen him, he closed his eyes and continued daydreaming.

The bed was like a warzone, Adrian loved to pleasure and admire every inch of Samantha’s body, she was beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful with red hair and blue eyes, a combination that set his soul on fire and put him in a position he wasn’t sure he could escape from, their foreplay lasted forever as both their lips and fingers explored every inch of each other’s body and when she took him in her mouth, he felt he would explode from pure ecstasy, this was a part they both loved, to be able to have your lover under your power, to control the volume of their pleasure, taking them to heights never before reached and sinking them to depths never before explored, Samantha kissed, sucked and explored every inch of Adrian’s manhood, savouring the fleshy and smooth taste of the skin and enjoying the moans escaping from the tortured man’s over kissed mouth. Eventually Adrian couldn’t take it much longer and snatched his love organ from her hungry mouth, panting heavily, she smiled impishly up at him but wasn’t ready for what came next…..

He pushed her onto the bed and dived at her honey pot with his hot tongue and lips, she gasped….she always gasped but the was just the beginning, Adrian was a master of oral pleasure and so many times he had taken her to the edge and left her hanging, her sweetened dew almost too close for release, this was a moment he got her really hot, heavy and ready before………………..

His phone suddenly buzzed snapping him out of his sinful reverie, he sat up sharply. His eyes dimmed from his daydreaming. He snatched up the device but before opening whatever text had come in, he stared once again at Samantha at her table, she hadn’t even seen him and was still engrossed in a deep conversation with the man she had come in with. He heaved a sigh of relief

He opened the text and frowned with confusion, it was a text from her….it read.

“Go home, your eyes look like you have been having a lot of inappropriate thoughts…go home, im coming over to meet you there in 30 minutes”

Adrian looked up at her sharply, this time she was staring at him and smiling…..

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