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I felt IT when I got into my car. The tingles at the nape of my neck. The goosebumps. The cold sweat trickling down my spine. I felt IT even as I drove through traffic, breathing down on me. Too close for comfort. Reaching out. Almost touching me. It may have even caressed my hair at some point.
I felt IT when I rode into my drive way, the frost on the windows, the coldness in the backseat and when I got out of the car, I felt it following me. I was grateful it didn’t say a word. Not one word all through the drive.

It only spoke when I unlocked my door and walked into my dark, damp apartment.

“I have missed you”

The voice was barely a whisper, barely audible yet it resonated all through the four walls of my apartment. I did not share the sentiment. How could I? When the last time I fed it, 24 humans died and the weight of that massacre still bore heavy on my conscience. I didn’t know if what I felt was hate but I sure as hell wanted him to leave me alone as soon as possible.

“What is it? Why have you come to see me? It’s been almost 6 months since the last time. I thought we didn’t need to meet for atleast a year”
“That’s not a nice way to talk to me” the whisper was stronger this time. I could see it rattle the windows and whistle through the curtains. I could feel the vibrations beneath my feet and the tremble on the floor boards. IT rarely showed its face unless it was an emergency and that relaxed me a bit but then again, it rarely visited unless it had something important to say.
“Are you mad at me?” IT went on.

This was a trick question. If I replied in the affirmative, I would suffer for it later and if I denied it, IT would be tempted to test me.

“You know how I feel is insignificant” I replied.

There was a heavy silence, so heavy I could feel the weight of it on my shoulders. I still hadn’t moved an inch from the door because I needed to get done with IT as fast as possible. The room was pitch black. IT loved the darkness, it basked in the darkness and I could only communicate with it in the darkness.

I was dismayed when I noticed a shadow form out of the pitch blackness to my right. A huge formless shadow, towering above me and concealed ominously in the dark, still visible to my eyes but still a shadow nonetheless.

IT has showed its form - this means, something must have gone awfully wrong.

Now, I could feel the slight, unyielding tongues of terror slowly licking at my insides.

“The truth of the orphanage stands the risk of being unraveled”

What?? I thought. Looking up at the darkness in confusion. The Orphanage was a historical landmark but it had a terrible history. However, what truth was IT talking about?

The breathless whisper continued. It came from one direction but I could hear it all over the room and all in my head. Like a dream. Like a vision.

“5 teenagers will be a threat to your very existence as you know it.”

“A threat to my existence?” I asked loudly. “Like they would find out I am behind the murder of those 24 school children?”
If that was the case, I wasn’t really perturbed. Nobody could prove I was behind those deaths. It was literally impossible.

IT read my thoughts and breathed.
“They are not working alone. They have the help of a powerful entity, an Uber driver and a young girl. This is not a physical battle, Sean”

I was still confused. I peered into the darkness, making out its form but not seeing a face. I was not sure I wanted to see a face. This was a very powerful demon.

“So why me? Why did you come to me? What could I possibly do if they have the backing of a spiritual entity?”
“The Orphanage must be protected at all cost.”
“What is so special about this orphanage anyway? A lot of people have died in or around it over so many decades, it is obvious that it’s not your regular orphanage. Why don’t you let them do with it whatever they want or find out whatever they want???”

There was a low growl. Menacing. Terrifying. I shrank back in fear. The shadow grew bigger and spilled into the top ceiling.

“Be careful what you wish for Sean.” IT snarled.

Goosebumps spread all over my body.

“You will find those teenagers and you will kill them. Only then will you be truly free. If those teenagers live and unravel the truth, I will not be the only force you need to worry about”

And then a heavy silence descended on the room. The air became warmer and suddenly, I could hear more earthy noises. From my neighbours and from the pets downstairs.

IT was gone.

Teenagers? Secret? Orphanage? Powerful entity?
None of these made any sense. 213 people had died close to that orphanage a while ago and it had made national news. Long before that, the orphanage had recorded unprecedented number of deaths and for some reason, it stood till this day. Why was it my problem if some people were about discovering whatever truth about it there was? IT was really powerful but for a moment there, I could almost sense fear. Whatever was coming if those secrets were unraveled was probably stronger and more powerful.

I have killed before. Killing again was not a problem. Definitely not when it was just 5 teenagers.
But yes, I needed to get out of this life. This wasn’t what I envisioned when I joined 5 years ago.
To be a murderer.

I walk towards my window and look out. I almost missed it till I I had to squint. A man in long black coat and wide black hat was staring up at my apartment window. I couldn’t see his face but I knew who it was.

I smiled.

IT wasn’t gone yet. IT must be really troubled and concerned to take the form of a man and stand watch over me.

What must be troubling a demon of hell so bad it has appeared to me as a feeling, a voice, a form and a man all in one afternoon???

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