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It is like a wasteland of thoughts
Spread across my consciousness.
Like a silver river with echoes of nothingness
And chasing shards of droughts.

I bathe in it.
Like a fearless warrior against an avalanche of blood thirsty fawns
It drowns me, oh yes it does
But the black oasis is like a hug to my drenched soul.
A weakness I have come to accept as strength
Long after it killed me.

I lay bare before this unhappiness
And watch the sky earth
Blend in a fitful canvass of grey and black
And the hate and agony is a flame
To the cavelike darkness I cower in
The last slab of earth to a cold, closed casket.

It is water.
Long enough to lose me.
Deep enough to drown me
Strong enough to test me.
Warm enough to cover me.

It is my fountain of truth
My shooting star
Across a sky of gloom
And clouds without silver linings.

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