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Let your passion be like the lion
strong, naked, roaring, confident
a predator of preconceived presumptions

let your hope be like the dove
soaring, flying high on feathery wings
kissing the very face of God
death to deary deceptions

let your love be like the seas
deep, powerful, forceful, yet magnificient
An ode to opulence

let your dreams be like the sand at the seashore
numerous, yet united
a face of power, a face of beauty
a recollection of resurrected reveries

let your thoughts be fire
hot, illuminated, strength in the face of darkness
like a lone light lighting your way

let your knowledge be like a well
deep but never full
thirsty for thought, bubbling with bulbous breath

let your love be like you

the lion, the dove, the sea and the sun
in glorious unison
a human face is born.

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