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You will dream
but do not let it consume. you
dreams of darkness draped down your destiny
you will see
but do not be blinded by the sight
of fire piercing through, like arrows of the sun
obscuring your vision of redemption.

You will walk
but do not stumble
at these paths, choked with rubbles of hate
and crossroads of uncertainty
for the beckon with spindly fingers
adorned with bright rings of condemnation.

You will think
but do not drift apart
with thoughts of blackness and terror
threatening to tear you and drag you
into that abyss of pain
an abyss you helped create with your demons.

You will die.
and sleep with eternal bliss
but do not let your death be the end.
trap the beauty in eternal pages of whiteness
crisscrossed with fluid lines
that give birth to grotesque images
bearing a truth that tainted your life
and the disciples will see
Just how far you held on and revel in your strength.

For you are not like one of us
you have always been different
and your difference
was what made you.

A burning fire beneath all that coldness and howling winds.

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