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Her eyes like whirling pools of emotions
she sat across me staring
heartbeats like faded steps down the distance
pounding, pulsating, pushing painfully
my feelings laid bare
with strings of regret trailing the tempest

I am numb
I can't speak
and she stares
eyes dark
she knew if she walked away
my world would drift with her
forever nestling in her ebony bossom
speech clogged with pain
choked with confusion.

I reach out but she withdraws
she still stares
so much words unsaid
between us
petals of hate, love and memories
drift down from cold heavens
the awkward silence
like a loaded gun
ready to rip the troubled peace
apart with blood curdling shots
shots of realization
that two hearts are broken
and love
walks out the door.

the door it came in through
lifetimes ago
with bouquets of promises and joy
her eyes dont stop staring
her luscious lips unmoving
and the silence is palpable
beauty like the morning sun
a garden adorned with purple and red hibiscus
painted in shades of light and brown
by a moving sky
I want to say "I LOVE YOU"
but i know
she would flee out the door
and shut me out in darkness forever.

so I am silent
sculpting hope in the endless silence
heavy with thoughts and unspoken words
the silence is broken sweetly
her lips move in silent melancholy
like music so sweet
but rips your sanity apart
and the words are breathed out
Airy, Calm but Clear
I can hear it loudly
its resonance resounding off the cold,
yet listening walls.

I do not want to believe it
but like a tatoo crested on the confines of my chest
it is there
bold and beautiful

"I am leaving you, Ngozi, Forever"
and just as I feel my world crumbling
she picks up the pieces
and walks out the door
throwing it to the north wind
that drifts it far away
to the ends of the earth
never to be recovered.

And so, that was how my muse left.
Leaving behind a body without a soul
And a heart without a beat.
never to be reassembled
never to be made whole again.

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