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You walked this earth
with soles of purpose
a heart full of hope
and dreams of flowering forever
your eyes held the pictures
like waterfalls
like rainbows
colours of charismatic credence
a beauty smeared with the cold touch of death

You closed your eyes
sunk in blackness
leaving behind
trails of broken hearts
and drops of scarlet memories
everybody will miss you
but you are now a mirage of essence
trading the forbidden paths of the past
and your heartbeat
will no more resound
on the walls of the living

Our love will be a fragrance
radiating your haunted presence
leaving forever, forever living
our memories will cage you with these walls
shackles of sweet smelling thoughts
binding what is left of your legacy

You wont be forgotten
and wherever you are
may heaven
in its splendour and grandeur
place sapphires at your feet
and decorate you in glory
till forever and eternity
are only but wispy air
sighing through your adorned fingers
and crowned hair.

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